Foxes Out of School Club, based at Ramsey Day Nursery in Cambridgeshire, had an Ofsted inspection in early October, the results were published recently, and the overall judgement was that Foxes have ‘met’ the criteria for the quality and standards of early years.
The below points are only a snippet of some of the observations highlighted by the inspector:
- ‘Children access a wide range of opportunities that help to develop their social skills and emotional well-being.’
- ‘Children confidently speak to each other and to adults. They have positive manners and behave well in the setting.’
- ‘Staff create a spacious and attractive space and offer a wide variety of play and learning opportunities.’
- ‘Staff listen and respect children’s ideas. This leads to a relaxed atmosphere in the setting where children feel valued.’
Since their previous inspection in 2016, the Ofsted inspection framework for settings who provide care for children at the beginning and end of the school day or holiday period has changed. The table of criteria of ‘outstanding’, ‘good’, ‘requires improvement’ and ‘inadequate’ no longer applies to out of school clubs, instead Ofsted grade this part of our childcare offering under the new evaluation criteria of ‘met’ or ‘not met’.
Ofsted Inspectors consider the evaluation criteria for the three judgement areas (behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management) in reaching a judgement about whether a setting have met the safeguarding and welfare requirements for children.
The team at Foxes are trilled to have ‘Met’ the criteria.